Simple Meal: Lamb Chops and Bhutanese Rice

I haven't been blogging much because I haven't been eating a wide variety of food lately, or creating any new recipes; I've been on a food elimination diet.  It's an interesting challenge to come up with different meals with a limited number of ingredients.  I tend to do a lot of chicken and potatoes using the 450 degree oven approach.  I also try to explore different varieties of rice.  Tonight I had a great meal cooked really quickly and simply on the stove top.

Lamb Chops with Bhutanese Rice
Cook time: 20 minutes
Serves: two

4 lamb chops
olive oil
1 head broccoli
1 C Bhutanese rice
1 cup water

Put the water, the rice, and some salt in a small pan and bring to a boil.  Stir, cover, and reduce heat to simmer.  Cook 25 minutes or until all water is absorbed.

While the rice is cooking, heat a large cast-iron skillet on medium-high.  Cut the broccoli into pieces.  Rinse, pat dry, oil and season the lamb chops.  When the skillet is hot, place all the chops in the skillet.  Cook until they look done halfway up the side of the chop.  Flip them over, making sure there is plenty of oil in the pan.  Throw in the broccoli.  If the chops are thin (about 3/4 inch), immediately turn off the heat.  If the chops are thick, turn the heat to medium-low and cook for a few minutes at that temperature before turning the heat off.  Leave the chops in the pan, stirring the broccoli as needed, until they stop sizzling.  When the rice is done, serve everything together.  Soak up the browning and drippings in the pan with the broccoli for extra flavor.
Okay, you just caught me drinking beer while on my food elimination diet!  But it's gluten-free beer.


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