Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

I like sweet things, but I don't like things too sweet. Strawberry Rhubarb pie is usually too sweet for me. The point for me isn't the strawberries; it's the rhubarb. This recipe features both flavors without overwhelming either. It's not nearly as sweet as most strawberry pie recipes. Who needs all that sugar? It has a lovely tart flavor but doesn't overwhelm the strawberries. My rhubarb came up early this year and is flourishing. The stalks aren't incredibly red, though, so the strawberries help out with the color. Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Recipe First you must have on hand a gluten-free pie crust . If you are making this from scratch it takes about a half-hour so plan ahead. You can make the pie filling before rolling out the dough while it's refrigerating to save time, or the crust can be made the day before and stored in the fridge if needed. Once that is finished the making of the pie is very quick and ea...