Home-made Falafel
Falafel: the ultimate gluten-free, vegan, healthy, delicious food. Practically a complete food unto itself with protein, carbs, and healthy fats, and vegetables all in a small delicious package. But sadly, in the USA, they are often not made gluten-free when they so easily could be. I was traveling in Granada, Spain a few years ago when my then-fiancé and I were looking for a good, inexpensive meal that was a change from Spanish food. We found a Lebanese restaurant and really lucked out - their falafel was gluten-free! It turns out that falafel is usually gluten-free outside of the US. But more than that, it was the most delicious falafel I've ever tasted. It was kind of smooth and creamy on the inside, and very, very green as well. The outside was the ultimate crispy crust. Recently I decided to re-create that falafel experience. I was partly motivated because I recently got a Delonghi Deep Fryer. Deep frying the falafel is w...