The Best Gluten-free Pancakes You will Ever Eat

I had plenty of failures before I got gluten-free pancakes to work for me.  My goals: to make the pancakes look, feel and taste just like I remember from childhood.  Everybody's dream.

Sunday was pancakes and scrambled eggs day.  We did brunch because my sister and I went to church with my mom Sunday mornings.  My dad cooked brunch.  He proved himself a versatile chef in other areas, but where he excelled was in the realm of pancakes and sourdough bread.  My childhood memories are infused with the smells of pancakes and baking.

I haven't nailed the sourdough bread yet.  In fact, I haven't even tried.  There's time for that.  For now, I will conquer the pancakes.  Every individual has a certain way that they like pancakes to be, and the origin of their pancake desires rest in the way they had pancakes presented to them as a child.  For me, the perfect pancake is about five inches across and a quarter inch high.  It bubbles perfectly after the batter is on the griddle for a while, and when you flip it you see a perfect golden disk, evenly browned.  My dad had an electric griddle which got a lot of good use.  I use a cast-iron reversible griddle over the stove top, and I get very similar results.

So here is my homage to my father's perfect pancakes.  You can buy a mix too!

Recipe for The Best Gluten-free Pancakes You Will Ever Eat

Makes about 10 5-inch pancakes.

(Please note: this recipe calls for no xanthan gum.  Many of my recipes with this flour mix don't need it.  I tried using xanthan gum at first, but it made the batter too dense.)

Heat your griddle to medium-low.  Mix in a large bowl:

1.5 cups (200g) GF Pancake Flour Blend
4 Tbsp (44g) sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

In a medium bowl, whisk together:

2 eggs
3 Tbsp (44 g) butter, melted
1 tsp vinegar 

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and beat for a few strokes.  Measure out:

2/3 cup milk

Add the milk to the batter a bit at a time until you get the consistency that you want.  Using the full 2/3 cup should give you batter for 5-inch wide, 1/4 inch tall pancakes as pictured.  Less milk will give you fewer, but thicker pancakes.  Beat the batter until well-combined.  Don't worry, there's no gluten.  You can't over-beat.  Once it's smooth, pour the batter onto the griddle to the size of pancake desired (if the batter doesn't pour, you need to add more milk).  Cook the first side until bubbles appear evenly over the entire surface.  Flip the pancakes once bubbles appear in the middle of the disk.  Cook the second side until the pancake is evenly brown on the bottom.  Set them aside on a warm plate as they cook and repeat the process until all your batter is gone.


Rebecca K Clark said…
My mouth is watering!! They're the most beautiful GF pancakes I've ever seen! I'm going to try your recipe--dairy free--and see how it treats with coconut milk and earth balance in the batter. I'll let you know how it works out.
Gina said…
I think coconut milk might make these pancakes even tastier! Sometimes with coconut milk you need to add a little more to get the right consistency because coconut milk is thicker. Subbing out the butter should be no problem. Once I forgot to put the butter in them and to my surprise they still came out all soft and tasty. I'll look forward to hearing how you like the pancakes!
Rebecca K Clark said…
Thanks for the tips. I'll let you know when I've made them. :)
Anonymous said…
We will be seeing your dad in a few days. Hope we can put pancakes on our vacation breakfast menu. Very nice web site. Randy
Anonymous said…

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