Harvester Brewing
Dark Ale. Need I say more? Oh yes - it's gluten-free. I stopped by Belmont Station last evening to meet the brewers, James and John, of Harvester Brewing , which has its base right here in Portland, Oregon. I had to fight my way through a throng of admirers just to get a taste, but it was worth it. Harvester Brewing just started distribution of their Pale Ale in December, and already they are available in quite a few local markets. Last night they introduced two new beers, the Dark Ale and the Experiment Ale, a red ale. I had tried the Pale Ale when I first heard about it, maybe a month ago. When I tried it again last night I noted a change, and I asked James about it. Has there been a distinct difference between batches? He granted that he's always improving his recipes. He noted humbly, "I think I'm just becoming a better brewer." We talked about how the chestnuts they use influence the taste. I thought the most recent batch of Pale Ale had a