A Word About Xanthan Gum

If you've ever done any gluten-free baking, or checked the ingredients of a packaged gluten-free product, you will have seen the ingredient xanthan gum. It's everywhere. It is used as an emulsifier, a thickener, and a gluten replacer, depending on what kind of product it inhabits. You will see it in sauces as an emulsifier and thickener. It's often found in ice creams - especially low-calorie or non-dairy ice creams - to smooth and thicken it for a creamy texture. For gluten-free cooking it's used to replace the gluten in your baked goods to give the product structure. Some people claim that you can't cook gluten-free without it, but I'm here to tell you that's not true! Think about the first two uses I of the gum that I described. In both cases, the gum is used to give the substance more body and form. However, both sauces and ice cream are liquids, and xanthan gum is used to thicken them. Breads and baked goods are not liquid in ...