Pumpernickel style Mock Rye Sourdough Bread

This recipe was made to evoke the dark, earthy flavors of rye bread, but without the gluten. This flour blend was developed specifically for this recipe. Here’s what each flour brings to the table. Brown teff - dark in color and complex in flavor, teff also gives bread a spongy and springy texture and helps with structure due to its high amount of protein and fiber. Ivory teff is a direct substitute for brown teff. Dark Buckwheat - this buckwheat is ground from the unhulled buckwheat groat. It’s very high in fiber and protein. It adds structure but it’s also very dense. It adds a good whole-grain texture to the blend as well as darkening the color considerably. The flavor is intense and a little bitter. It balances out the sponginess of the teff by being a little dry when baked. If you would like to substitute with light buckwheat, my guess is that you'd have to reduce the total water by about 20g. Sorghum - this is a widely available gra...