Beer Guide - a List of 16 Gluten-free Beers
One of the only things that I missed after going gluten-free was beer. Just a few years ago when I quit gluten for good, there wasn't much to choose from as far as gluten-free beer was concerned. Well, we've come a long way, baby. Here's a list of all the gluten-free beers, from best to worst according to my personal preference. I'll list only beers that are commercially available in the Portland area, and most of them will be available beyond. (Note that Deschutes gluten-free beer is only available at their brewery locations and isn't included on this list. I've done a number of posts on it, so search "Deschutes" on this site for more information about it.) I'll link to posts that I've written for more in-depth reviews. I'll also make this page a tab at the top of my blog for easy access. #1 Green's Quest Trippel Blonde Ale - A complex Belgian ale #2 Green's Endeavor Dubbel Dark Ale - A fruity dark Belgian ale #3