Omission Beer

I stepped into the Horse Brass Pub last night.  The occasion was that the Horse Brass happens to be located across the street from my laundromat.  My boyfriend and I felt like a laundry night celebration - or consolation prize, as the case may be.  I started checking out the famously long list of guest taps that they offer, looking for something gluten-free.  There was a cider on tap, but at the very bottom, I saw a surprise: Omission Pale Ale.  The server came by and I jumped right on it.

"Can I get a bottle of the Omission Beer?" I queried, expecting the usual look of pity on my beer-loving server's face when he realized I wasn't going to order anything good.  But that's not the look I got.

The server replied, "Yeah, that's actually pretty good.  It's the only gluten-free beer I've ever tried that tastes like real beer."  If I hadn't been getting it anyway, this would have sold me.  I've never had a Portland beer server recommend a gluten-free beer in all my many years of being gluten-free.

And it did.  It did taste like real beer.  Omission is made like real beer, with malted barley, and the gluten is taken out afterward.  To see a video of how it's done check out Gluten-free PDX's blog post on it.

My boyfriend wanted to try it, too.  "If someone served this to me I wouldn't have known that it was gluten-free," he said.  "Finally, some hops."

Seeing as how it's so real, is it safe for me? you might ask.  From all accounts, yes.  They test each batch before selling.  Read more about it on the Beer West Blog and on Gluten-free Portland's coverage of the beer release event.

Now you'll be asking: where do I find it?  It's only available in Oregon right now.  The Omission website has a growing list of locations where you can buy it.  Widmer Brothers brews the beer, and they will have plenty in supply a their Gasthaus, I'm sure.  The Horse Brass isn't on the list yet, but you heard it from me, you can get it there too.  Keep an eye out for it around Portland and you'll be sure to run into it.


Rebecca K Clark said…
Great post. Did you have to go digging for the store locations, or does Widmer have that information on the website now?
Gina said…
Thanks, Rebecca! I was able to find the locations on the Omission site pretty easily this time. Just a few days ago there wasn't so much information on there, so it must be new. I'm sure they'll update it as they add more places to buy Omission beer.
Rebecca K Clark said…
That's what I thought. Their beers are great! They're probably having a hard time keeping up.
Gina said…
Yes! I heard another comment about Omission from my server that night: "They are going to get rich off this beer." By rich I don't think they meant rich food.

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