What to Do With All Those Tomatoes
It's been an odd year for my garden. A cool, wet spring met a cool, cloudy summer here in Portland. It never even got over 100 degrees! We finally had a couple of weeks of hot weather, during which my tomatoes really ripened by the dozen. I'm not sure how much longer this will last with my tomato plants perishing and the weather cooling off again. Every year it happens: I get tons of tomatoes at once, then I go the rest of the year yearning for them. Here are some things that I do to prolong my tomato window. Pick them green If it's getting to be too late in the season, the vines are starting to rot and a frost is near, just pick them and bring them inside. The green ones will ripen eventually. One year I had tomatoes ripening in my kitchen until December. Dry them Linda of The Gluten-Free Homemaker has a great post on how to "sun dry" your tomatoes in the oven. I did that last year with some tomatoes using her recipe...