Dark Beer Lovers Must Try this Squash Beer
You know that one thing that you keep missing, even though there are so many great GF products out there? For those of us who love dark beer, finding a gluten-free version that satisfies our craving for that smoky, malty, liquid goodness is our personal search for the holy grail. While I'm not saying that my search is over, I am saying that I have found a cup that looks an awful lot like that grail. Any dark beer lover would have already tried Green's Dubbel Dark Ale knows that it's a solid choice for GF dark beer. However, that light fruity Belgian style is just not the same thing as a lush, malty dark beer. Ground Breaker Brewing's Dark Ale comes a little closer to satisfying that craving. However, this Seasonal Squash Ale is even better than the brand's Dark Ale. Something about the squash in the recipe smooths it out and mellows the flavors. Maybe that's because of the process. From the Ground Breaker press release ...