Marbled "Rye" Style Gluten-free Sourdough Bread

Introducing my latest gluten-free sourdough creation, this bread is very soft, fairly sour, high in whole grains, and has a strong rye-like flavor. It's going to make a great Reuben sandwich! Ingredients and Equipment Here’s a list with affiliate links to some of the products I used in this recipe: Emile Henry Bread Cloche Ivory Teff flour Brown Teff Flour Light Buckwheat Flour Oval bannetons for a batard Kitchenaid Artisan Stand Mixer Kitchenaid glass bowl Replacement Kitchenaid attachements Lame for scoring Of course, you don't need a pantry full of new equipment to be able to make this recipe. You can easily mix by hand in a regular mixing bowl, and bake in any lidded vessel that's rated for high heat. Marbled "Rye" Style Sourdough Bread Recipe First Mix: 20 min First Rise: about 12 hours Second Mix and shape: 10-20 min Second Rise: 2-5 hours Make two doughs simultaneously in separate bowls. Dark Dough: Mix the dry ingredients together: 65g ...