Easy Sugar Cookies

With Valentine's day coming up, you might be looking for a treat you can make for yourself - or your loved one, if he likes cookies.  But mostly yourself, right?  Most sugar cookie recipes make an ungodly number of cookies, but I for one never need 3 dozen of these guys.  This recipe is pretty easy and makes about a dozen cookies, so you can still fit into your Valentine's day outfit, sort of.

Are you a gluten eater, or do you have a different GF flour on your shelf?  Just sub out cup-for-cup the flour that you have for my blend.  This recipe is very forgiving!

Easy Sugar Cookies
makes 1 dozen cookies

With an electric beater or in a stand mixer, cream:

1/4 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar

Cream these together for several minutes.  The blend should lighten and look fluffy.  Add:

1 egg
1/4 tsp vanilla

Beat until creamy.  Add:

1 1/4 cup Deluxe Pastry Flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Slowly beat the dry ingredients into the butter mixture until everything is well-combined.  Roll the dough out between two pieces of parchment paper and refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour, or up to several days.

Heat your oven to 400 degrees.  Take the dough out of the refrigerator and peel the back portion of the parchment paper off, then replace it.  Peel the front piece of parchment paper off and discard it.  (This makes it easier to remove the cookies from the paper after they are cut out.)  Set the rolled-out dough parchment paper side down on a clean work surface and cut out as many cookies as you can.  With a thin spatula transfer the cookies to a baking sheet.  If you aren't icing the cookies you can put a little sugar on top.  You can use the scraps to make more cookies but you may have to refrigerate the rolled-out dough again if it gets too warm to handle.

Bake the cookies for 6-10 minutes, keeping a close eye on them to make sure they don't get overdone.  They are ready when the edges are just slightly brown.

Cool the cookies on a rack and ice them or serve them plain.


Need more Valentine's Day treat ideas?  Visit the Gluten-free Homemaker.  She's hosting a blog carnival with a V-day theme!


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