Forbidden Rice with Broiled Chicken

Called forbidden because it was reserved for the exclusive use of emperors, this Chinese black rice is high in iron, fiber, and other nutrients. Its color turns a deep purple when cooked and the grain holds its form very nicely even when cooked too long. This rice also adds some glamor to an otherwise simple meal.

The ingredients of this meal are purposely few in number. This is a dish suitable for a food elimination diet or a simple, nutritious bet elegant family meal. This economical meal is convenient to make because the rice and the chicken each take approximately thirty minutes, so if you start them together they are ready together.


Four legs chicken
1 1/2 cup water

1 cup Forbidden Rice

vegetable of choice

olive oil


Broiled Chicken:

Rinse your chicken legs and pat dry. Rub with olive oil and salt. If you would like to use additional seasonings, apply them after cooking or they will burn.

Place the chicken skin-side down on a roasting pan. Set in the oven 7-8 inches away from the broiler. Cook for 15 minutes, turn skin-side up, and cook for another 15 minutes or until the clear liquid comes out of the thighs when poked.

Forbidden Rice:

Heat the water, rice and a pinch of salt in a medium pan until boiling. Turn the temperature down to low and cook, covered, for 30 minutes.


About five minutes before the chicken is done, set a pot with a steam basket to boil. Cut up your vegetable of choice. When the water is boiling, toss the vegetables in the steam basket. Steam for 1-2 minutes. Turn off the heat and serve salted and drizzled with olive oil.
I usually don't mention the cost of things, but the economy of this meal struck me. I bought all-natural chicken, an expensive vegetable, and one of the most expensive rices you can buy and the meal came to less than $3.50 per serving not including the price of the oil and the salt.


Linda said…
I've never heard of forbidden rice. I'll have to keep my eye out for it. Thanks for sharing.
Ali Segersten said…
I love forbidden rice, even the name is enticing! I haven't made it in a while but now am inspired! It is highly nutritious, I like how you shared that. -Ali :)
Gina said…
Yes, I love forbidden rice too! I may never go back to plain old white rice. Well, perhaps not "never."

I especially like how it has the benefits of brown rice but it cooks faster and has a better taste and texture.

I wonder if anyone makes forbidden rice pasta? That may be a whole-grain pasta I can get into. Now I wish I had a flour mill like Linda!
I've never heard of forbidden rice either but it looks so good. I love learning new things, too - so I am going to see if I can find it.

Did you ever cook the imported pasta? Maybe you gave a report and I missed it. :)
Linda said…
Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement on the tomatoes!
Cheryl Pitt said…
I never knew it was called forbidden! LOL Great "food for thought".
CinnamonQuill said…
Oh, how I love forbidden rice! I love adding it to soups as well because it looks so unexpected...I didn't realize it was high in iron though; interesting!

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