Humanoid Carrot

I just picked my first carrot from the garden. It was a bit of a shock.
Does this qualify as food porn?
I don't care what anybody thinks. It's gluten-free!


Pam said…
It's so cute and it works for me...gluten free!

Have a great evening!
Lindsay Kelley said…
oh god it's adorable! reminds me of pan's labyrinth, whatever those things were--mandrake? ginger?
love it! I like the close, closer, closer approach with three photos. humanoid food is so weird. and I agree, vegetables are so awesome because they are GF naturally! i really love seeing other people's garden pics, because I have millions of my own in my iPhoto... thanks for sharing!
Brian said…
What are you feeding your vegetables?:) Nice carrot, a little creepy, but nice.
Jen said…
that really is funny! kind of naughty too. :)
Anonymous said…
Oh that takes me back to summer nights in the garden with dad, he'd always get the rudey carrots and show them to us! We loved giggling about it.
Mark said…
Doctors who practiced Galenic medicine during the Middle Ages took the fact that the mandrake root was shaped like a man as proof of its medicinal value. They thought its humanoid shape was God's hint, his way of saying, "Try this, humans!"
Looks like a person from the waist down:). And yes, gluten free, naturally!

When I was a kid we had a garden and sometimes our carrots looked like this. Brought back some good memories.
Gina said…
I never knew I was so behind the times on carrot/mandrake humanoid life forms! Here I thought I had something unique.

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