The Gluten-free Gourmand Has a New Kitchen!

I haven't posted in a while, and I'd like to share with everyone my exciting reason why.  I moved!  I now have, among other things, a much nicer kitchen. 

I have plenty of ideas for new posts and recipes coming up, so stay tuned!


Amy said…
Congrats! Looks like you can cook up a lot of great stuff in all that space. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Congratulations on the move, and the new kitchen. How exciting.
Nadya said…
yea - how exciting!! Congratulations!

My daughter just moved to a 'new' house - a lovely 50s ranch with glass 'bricks' surrounding the kitchen window - a bank of pure sunlight!! Red counters, a new stove . . . it's so exciting to have a new place to create GF masterpieces!

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