Gluten-free Biscotti From New Cascadia Traditional

It's been a while since I've plugged the New Cascadia Traditional Bakery. This is our local gluten-free bakery in Portland, Oregon. I go to their kiosk in Nortwest or at the farmer's market at least once a week. They come out with new products pretty regularly, and I have recently started enjoying their biscotti. These look, taste, and feel like the wheat kind, and they soften perfectly in your coffee.


Unknown said…
Do they have eclairs?
Gina said…
They don't have eclairs. In fact, they don't have any fried products. you can see a list of their most common products on their website, but often they will have other things available when I get there.
Rebecca said…
Are eclairs fried? I think you just shoot the pastry out of a pastry bag and inject them with cream after baking them. Or are they more like a cream-filled donut?
Gina said…
I wasn't sure, so I looked it up. They appear to be a cream-filled donut. I imagine that the cream gets added after the frying. Gluten-free eclairs - that would be tough, but not impossible!

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