Gluten-free Pancake Recipes

I thought I'd compile a helpful list of gluten-free pancake recipes for your Sunday enjoyment.  Here are two of my recipes:

Gluten-free Quinoa Pancakes
Gluten-free Buckwheat Pancakes

For a vegan recipe, check out I Am Gluten Free's Perfect Gluten-free Pancakes.  Linda at The Gluten-free Homemaker has a Gluten-free Pancakes Recipe that looks pretty good too.

Have you tried any new gluten-free pancake recipes?  What is your favorite?  Feel free to post a link or a recipe in the comments!


Brian said…
Your pancakes look delicious. I just made some pumpkin pancakes the other day and they were pretty good.
daphne said…
Super tempting pancakes!!! thanks for the recipe...

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