Updated Boule Bread Recipe

This is a re-post of the 2-lb Boule Bread Recipe that I have updated with a better method for superior flavor and browning. Updated again on 7-16-2021 with some minor adjustments to ingredient amounts. For those who have been following my gluten-free bread recipes , I'm giving you another in the series. This one is very similar to the Traditional Round Loaf recipe, but you get a larger loaf, about a 2-lb. This recipe uses my Bread Flour mix, or the Rustic White Bread Flour blend, which are pretty simple to make. Gluten-free Bread Recipe - Large Round Loaf makes one 2-lb round loaf Mix time: 10 minutes Rise time: 2-3 hours Cook time: 35-45 minutes Mix in the bowl of your stand mixer or whisk together by hand: 490g (about 2 to 2 1/4 cups) warm water, 110-120 degrees 27g whole psyllium husk (or 20g ground psyllium husk) Add to the bowl: 375g GF bread flour (reserve an addit...